How to make money online(Best way to make money online)

rangana sadaruwan
3 min readDec 24, 2020

I don’t like to tell you time-wasting money-making methods(ex: add clicking, online surveys) but like to tell you about getting more passive income and build your own online business. that methods help you become successful and get your dream house and car

This method I recommend to you

  1. : Google Adsense. …
  2. : Text Links. …
  3. : Affiliate Marketing. …
  4. : Display Ads. …
  5. : Freelance Writing. …
  6. : Getting New Clients for Your Business. …
  7. : Selling Leads. …
  8. : Digital Products.

And down below I personally used method to make my own passive income but if you want to get more learn to use my recommend free training

  1. Amazon FBA — Learn More

What is FBA in Amazon?

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) helps you increase your online sales by giving you access to Amazon’s world-class fulfillment resources, fast, free delivery options for your products, and trusted and acclaimed customer service.

2. Affiliate Marketing — Learn More

What is affiliate marketing and how does it work?

Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products. The affiliate simply searches for a product they enjoy, then promotes that product and earns a piece of the profit from each sale they make.

How to Become an Affiliate Marketer

  1. Choose a Niche. The first step of your training for how to become an affiliate marketer involves finding out which affiliate products to sell. …
  2. Research Programs. …
  3. Build Your Platform. …
  4. Create and Publish Top-Notch Content. …
  5. Create Your Ad Account.
  6. learn more (how to create a free landing page and get free traffic)

Affiliate earning proofs

Affiliate marketing — Get your free training

this is the tip I like to give you. if you want to make real money you should get the right mindset I found a millionaire on youtube. he used to earn millions of money in affiliate marketing. now he helps people to like to become a success using the internet.

get his secrets — Overnight Millionaire — Wesley Billion Dollar Virgin

